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1st Comp--dresses on a budget?
Posted by TundraDancingGal
4/3/2016  4:32:00 PM
I started dancing about 2 1/2 years ago and added private lessons about 8 months ago. I'm doing my first comp, not a big event, in early June. I'd LOVE to buy a fabulous dress, but there's no way I can afford it. Previously I did a showcase and got very lucky with finding a beautiful dress on sale at a department store for Rumba. For my comp I'll be doing Freestyle Fox Trot, Waltz and Tango. Does anyone have advice on finding a dress for under $150 US?

I've been searching online and either the prices are too high, the sizes aren't right (I need a large, I'm 5' 8") or the style isn't flattering for me. I'd prefer tea-length and elegant with bling, rather than elaborate. Shorter is OK too. I'm 60, but gave good genes, so look younger, but I want to dress appropriately for my age. Am I dreaming? Yes, I looked at the ads here, but they're all tiny sizes and way over my budget.
Re: 1st Comp--dresses on a budget?
Posted by ladydance
4/3/2016  5:08:00 PM
Have you looked on e-bay? I have bought all my dresses from that site. Get one custom made for a sure fit. The ones I buy are usually around the $300 US price but I only wear them a couple of times, then sell them for almost as much as I bought them. Another option is to rent one. I presume you are dancing pro-am. You need a proper comp dress. Store dresses don't look right and can affect your scores.
Re: 1st Comp--dresses on a budget?
Posted by TundraDancingGal
4/3/2016  9:48:00 PM
And I thought the dancing would be the hard part! I guess I was dreaming when I thought I could find something. I just can't spend that kind of money. I understand that not having a traditional costume can work against me, but it's not that type of competition. I'd call it an enhanced show-case. My instructors would like me to have the best experience I can, and yes, that kind of dress would enhance it, but after spending an hour on eBay, I struck out. If I decide to do this, I'll have to take my chances that the critique from the judges will be regarding my dance skill and not the dress.

I did find a lovely cocktail type lace dress with a soft, drapey fabric that's flattering and moves well. We'll bling it up and it will just have to do. I'll keep looking and I may still get lucky. Or I just don't do it, which I think would be the bigger shame.
Re: 1st Comp--dresses on a budget?
Posted by ladydance
4/4/2016  8:51:00 AM
As you say, the most important thing is to dance and have fun. I would not pass up the showcase for lack of costume. Keep looking, you could call a couple of studios and see if anyone has a dress for sale. We always have a few dresses to sell but we don't advertise it. If you find one you like and it is too expensive, ask if you can borrow/rent it for a night.
Re: 1st Comp--dresses on a budget?
Posted by TundraDancingGal
4/5/2016  7:19:00 AM
Lady, thanks for taking my response in the correct vein. I was replying to you, but also giving myself a pep talk! I seriously thought I'd have to reconsider this, but then I said, nope, I won't let this hold me back. I hadn't thought of studios, but unfortunately I live in an area that doesn't have any. I did also post in a FB group I'm part of, but didn't get any good leads.

Sara, I checked out the website. Yes, the prices are more reasonable, but more than I want. If I knew I'd be competing in the future, I'd consider it, but it's not likely.

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